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Game Development 101
Introduction to Unity
unity basics - 00 - introduction (0:46)
unity basics - 01 - unity website (0:48)
unity basics - 02 - made with (0:37)
unity basics - 03 - forum (2:50)
unity basics - 04 - answers (2:18)
unity basics - 05 - documentation (1:05)
unity basics - 06 - assset store and selling (3:06)
unity basics - 07 - unity hub download (1:43)
unity basics - 08 - install unity hub and unity app (2:17)
unity basics - 09 - new project in unity (4:02)
unity basics - 10 - getting started (0:25)
unity basics - 11 - importing 3d game kit assets (5:07)
unity basics - 12 - creating a cube and sphere (1:34)
unity basics - 13 - interface panels (0:46)
unity basics - 14 - navigating controls (4:18)
unity basics - 16 - toolbar tools (6:28)
unity basics - 17 - toolbar buttons (2:34)
unity basics - 18 - project window (4:27)
unity basics - 20 - scene panel (10:47)
unity basics - 21 - game panel (5:45)
unity basics - 22 - hierarchy panel (6:50)
unity basics - 22 - inspector panel (6:47)
unity basics - 23 - workspace layout (5:04)
C# Code Foundation
code - 01 - c- and net (1:50)
code - 00 - what you will learn (0:30)
code - 02 - ide options (1:57)
code - 03 - install visual studio (2:39)
code - 04 - project 1 import (4:35)
code - 05 - project 2 import (2:33)
code - 06 - project 3 import and fix (2:57)
code - 07 - console (6:48)
code - 08 - resolving problems (6:11)
code - 09 - basics of a script (3:21)
code - 10 - folder setup (1:54)
code - 11 - syntax PART 1 (2:01)
code - 11 - syntax PART 2 - 50sec in (8:53)
code - 12 - debug and string (9:36)
code - 13 - variable type (9:33)
code - 14 - array (5:16)
code - 15 - list (3:57)
code - 16 - array list in inspector (4:25)
code - 17 - enum (5:04)
code - 18 - variable attributes part 2 (4:33)
code - 18 - variable attributes (6:27)
code - 19 - code example scene setup (3:06)
code - 20 - arithmetic (5:54)
code - 21 - shorthand arithmetic (2:36)
code - 22 - conditional - if else (5:50)
code - 23 - conditional - if else if (6:06)
code - 24 - conditional ternary (4:03)
code - 25 - multi conditional (4:45)
code - 26 - switch case basics (5:56)
code - 27 - switch case enum (4:11)
code - 28 - loop basics (6:45)
code - 29 - nested loop (3:24)
code - 30 - while loop (3:42)
code - 31 - random class (2:03)
code - 32 - foreach (4:15)
code - 33 - method structure (3:52)
code - 34 - method and parameter (2:22)
code - 35 - method overloading (3:45)
code - 36 - method return values (3:58)
code - 37 - wrap up (0:24)
Creating a Game
Support Files
0 - 2d game - intro (0:23)
1 - 2d game - unity setup (3:11)
2 - 2d game - project download (3:50)
3 - 2d game - ui setup (3:10)
4 - 2d game - explore the project (4:55)
5 - 2d game - first level setup (3:05)
6 - 2d game - level tiles (5:34)
7 - 2d game - moving pad (5:13)
8 - 2d game - door and pad (5:18)
9 - 2d game - door and switch (2:00)
10 - 2d game - enemies (4:43)
11 - 2d game - pushable box and damager (3:38)
12 - 2d game - teleporter position and scene (6:07)
13 - 2d game - acid and spikes (2:45)
14 - 2d game - player prep (2:47)
15 - 2d game - player swap (5:37)
16 - 2d game - level layout (5:46)
17 - 2d game - level prep (3:08)
18 - 2d game - ground (10:00)
19 - 2d game - dropship (3:08)
20 - 2d game - destructables and pushers (6:05)
21 - 2d game - movers (4:07)
22 - 2d game - doors (7:24)
23 - 2d game - door keys (5:41)
24 - 2d game - clean up and code fix (5:03)
25 - 2d game - level clean up (2:25)
26 - 2d game - walk through (2:07)
27 - 2d game - enemies (9:44)
28 - 2d game - decor setup (1:45)
29 - 2d game - decor (22:11)
30 - 2d game - decor (29:30)
31 - 2d game - decor (22:41)
32 - 2d game - decor (17:48)
33 - 2d game - lighting (10:34)
34 - 2d game - trigger animation script 1 (6:21)
35 - 2d game - trigger animation script 2 (1:49)
36 - 2d game - build and wrapup (2:38)
37 - 2d game - gameplay walk through (2:23)
Download and Install Unity and Visual Studio - Quick Videos
01_Install_Unity3D (1:21)
02_Install_Visual_Studio (1:23)
Teach online with
unity basics - 22 - hierarchy panel
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