General Theological Studies
19 credit hour certificates will provide options for shorter training than the 33-credit-hour Diploma of Theological Studies, yet using the same curriculum.
Once students have completed the 19-credits, they will receive a Certificate and can continue on toward the Diploma.
Each certificate requires a 1-credit-hour Ministry Practicum to provide hands-on practical ministry training experience.
General Theological Studies
For short-term training in general theological, Biblical, and practical ministry studies
The General Theological Studies Certificate is designed for students who do not want a specialized certificate, but rather, a variety of general theological studies.
In order to maintain a balance of studies in diverse areas of theology, students are required to have a one-credit Ministry Practicum and at least one (preferably two) course(s) of their choice in each of the three concentrations of theological studies:
Biblical Studies (DBIB)
Theological/Historical Studies (DTHE)
Practical Ministry Studies (DPRM)
For a total of 19 credit hours (6 courses + Ministry Practicum)
See below for full listing of courses
Diploma/Certificate Courses Offered
Biblical Studies
DBIB-110 Old Testament Survey
DBIB-120 New Testament Survey
DBIB-362 Life of Christ
DBIB-363 End Time Events (BiblicalEschatology)
DBIB-364 Life of Paul
DBIB-374 Romans: Your Path to Victory
DBIB-376 Hebrews and General Epistles
DBIB-400 Biblical Interpretation (Hermeneutics)
DBIB-421 Pentateuch
DBIB-424 Hebrew Prophets
DBIB-437 Poetic Literature of the Old Testament
DBIB-455 Luke/Acts
Theological and Historical Studies
DTHE-101 Holy Spirit in the Now
DTHE-230 Christian Faith and Ministry
DTHE-303 Major World Religions
DTHE-304 Contemporary Religions/Cults
DTHE-313 Biblical Doctrines I
DTHE-314 Biblical Doctrines II
DTHE-399 Signs and Wonders I
DTHE-400 Signs and Wonders II (Principles & Patterns of Divine Healing)
DTHE 410 Theology & Practice of Spiritual Warfare
DTHE-444 Contemporary Theology
(DTHE-230 or DTHE 313 &314 and DTHE-454 Prerequisite)
DTHE-453 History of Christianity I
DTHE-454 History of Christianity II
Practices of Ministry
DPRM-300 History & Philosophy of Christian Education
DPRM-301 Intro. to Christian Caregiving
DPRM-305 Teaching the Bible
DPRM-312 Faith and Human Development
DPRM-317 Principles of Biblical Counseling
DPRM-320 Ministry Practicum
DPRM-321 Christian Approaches to Counseling
DPRM-325 Intro. to Christian Missions
DPRM-333 Ministry and Leadership Development
DPRM-340 Sermon Preparation
DPRM-402 Discipleship and Small Groups
DPRM-405 Crisis Intervention
DPRM-418 Marriage and Family
DPRM-429 Intro. to Codependency Counseling
DPRM-430 Evangelism
DPRM-449 Spiritual Issues in Substance Abuse
DPRM-454 Youth Ministry
DPRM-460 Church Administration
DPRM-461 PrayerFor additional information, contact:
Dr. Sam Barsoum
Phone: 918.495.6739
or visit
Read what people are saying about our program!
"Joining the ORU Online Bible Institute was a decision directed by the Holy Spirit. Although I had been involved in evangelism and ministry before attending the school, the knowledge and the hands-on skills gained from the well experienced and knowledgeable instructors provided additional fire for the mission field. Now I am using some of the principles I have learned from the program in my ministry and also working on how to pursue further studies at the ORU."
- Olu Adekile
"I would recommend ORU Bible Institute to anyone who wants to further develop his or her ministry skills. The classes are theologically sound and filled with the character and excellence that ORU is known for. The pace of the classes is very doable and the materials are interesting and relevant to ministry. Plus as a bonus, it’s very affordable. So if you are ready to add some tools to make your ministry more effective, I would recommend the ORU Bible Institute."
-Steve Dinkel
In 2014, I enrolled in the ORU Online Bible Institute. I started with the Certificate program and then decided to continue on with a Diploma in Theological Studies.
The courses are straightforward but they are work. Each week, I found myself carving out several hours to immerse myself in study. This schedule fit me perfectly. I read the required books for each class and used the lectures. Throughout the semesters, I learned different biblical arguments and applications in the Christian community. You can really tell that these educators love God and love Scripture. All the courses are taught to edify your faith, increase your knowledge, and feed your Spirit.
My experience at ORU has impacted my education and it has impacted my heart. I am leaving with a more profound knowledge of God, His working power and His plan throughout history for our salvation. ORU has prepared and helped me to have confidence. I truly enjoyed earning my certificate and diploma.
-Lisa Romig
After I finished the course on the Book of Romans, I felt that my feet are standing on solid ground. I experienced that my understanding has increased and my foundation solidified.
In the Luke/Acts course, I learned to see what the Holy Spirit was doing behind the scenes and through the life of Jesus. Also, I received a deeper understanding of Jesus as the "Son of Man" and "Son of God," not only in my head, but also in my heart. I highly recommend taking both courses!
-Hiromi Suzuki
I started attending the Online Bible Institute because I wanted to improve my knowledge of the Word and prepare myself for future ministry. Through the OBI program, my personal devotional life improved significantly and now I have a better grasp on the Word of God. The knowledge which I gained proved to be so helpful to my ministry. The instructors were helpful and informative in interacting with me as well.
-Jimmy Halim
Having just recently completed a Diploma in Theological Studies in the ORU Online Bible Institute program, I can say that my experience was nothing but positive and fruitful. As a result of this program, I was blessed to be able to grow in my spiritual formation and also to be thoroughly equipped for ministry. I found the courses to be challenging and demanding for the serious student and the online learning mode to be a very satisfying way to participate. The flexibility and availability of the course offerings, the encouraging weekly contact with the various professors, and the professional and always helpful approach of the program director were instrumental in my satisfaction and progress during my time in this program. I would highly recommend that anyone considering this type of ministry education/training to prayerfully consider the ORU Bible Institute.
-Rex McSwain
I am the director of Kingdom Bible Institute at Greater Shiloh Church in Easton, PA. In the summer of 2014, my Pastor and I began to work on developing a Bible institute with two goals in mind: we wanted to enhance the depth of knowledge of the Word for our church members, and we wanted a source of training for emerging leaders within the church.
ORU offers a variety of subject matter that satisfies so many areas of need within the church. One of the most challenging aspects of my work as director is determining which courses we will make available during the academic year. There are Certificate programs that are amazing, but there are also courses we can offer as stand-alones that address needs within the church as well.
ORUBI and Dr. Sam Barsoum have been wonderful to work with. The bookstore personnel have bent over backwards to get our materials to us on time. The structure of the program is easy to follow and work with. I believe the Holy Spirit was leading my Pastor and I when we chose ORUBI to be a major resource for our school. I couldn’t be happier.
Marsha K. Griffin
For additional information, contact:
Dr. Sam Barsoum
Phone: 918.495.6739
or visit